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Gain Career Clarity & Leverage AI Strategy to Unlock a 6-Figure Income.

Build Your Brand. 
Enhance Your Confidence.

Secure New Roles & Promotions.


​Without elite networks or costly credentials.
Even if you’re a mid-level immigrant professional with international experience facing career roadblocks.



Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO, Teachndo, Certified Career & Resume Strategist, Speaker, Caree

As seen on the National TV News & 100+ Media

Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO, Career Consultant Canada on CBC National News
Sweta Regmi, Founder and CEO, Career Consultant in Canada, interview with global news
Sweta Regmi, CEO Teachndo on CNBC
Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO, Career Consultant, Guest Speaker in CTV News
Sweta Regmi,Founder & CEO of Teachndo, Career Consultant, Canada featured in Rogers media,
Sweta Regmi Top Career Expert in Canadafeatured on Fox 26 News
Sweta Regmi, Career Expert in Canada featured on LinkedIn News, LinkedIn Top Voice
Sweta Regmi, CEO Teachndo, Career Expert on Forbes
Sweta Regmi, CEO Teachndo, Career Expert  on Wall Street Journal
Sweta Regmi, CEO Teachndo, Career Expert on HuffPost
Featured in Daily Mail News, Sweta Regmi, Founder and CEO, Teachndo, Top Career Expert in
Sweta Regmi, CEO, Founder, TeachndoCareer Consultant in Canada in Financial Post
Sweta Regmi, Founder and CEO, Career Consultant, Teachndo on windsor StarThe_Globe_and_Mai

Where do our clients work? 

Client served by Teachndo


Testimonial  for Teachndo career services for immigrant in Canada


​"By the 5th week, I landed a job. Not just an ordinary job but was offered a 6-figure salary and a bonus! This was way beyond my expectations!5 weeks or rather 5 hours with Sweta and I have got my confidence back. I highly recommend Sweta not only to newcomers but to everyone who wants to restart or grow in their careers!Thank you Sweta! You’re awesome!"



—  Rajesh A , Finance Manager's story was featured in the news, read here.

Our Results 

5 star ratings from clients

98% landed dream role in 10-60 days 

$1.5 Million + in salary increases 

Created Job Shoppers 

2 to 4 times promotion within 2-3 years.

Clients hired in top companies in 40+ industries. 

Clients featured in top media (CBC & Toronto Star) with a success story 

Hi, I am Sweta, Founder and CEO_edited.j



Hello, I'm Sweta.


Founder & CEO at Teachndo

Career, Resume, and Personal Branding Strategist 

International Speaker 

Recipient of the Outstanding Career Leader Award

Podcast Host of Diaspora's Career Challenges 


With tear-filled eyes and a heart full of hope, my journey began with a bold leap of faith as an immigrant. Despite the uncertainty, lack of networks, and costly degrees, I was determined to build a career and trust people in my new country. This marked the beginning of my resilience.

I juggled two survival jobs to save up for college tuition to upgrade, secured an entry-level position at a premier bank, and earned nine promotions over 12 years, ultimately leading elite teams over a decade. However, a one-minute phone call abruptly ended my job, leaving me laid off and the future uncertain, despite a decade of experience in hiring. After selling our house and relocating to a remote area with my young children for job opportunities, I found the new position to be unexpectedly toxic. I resigned after a year through email. Subsequently, I shifted to a recruiting role but left it as well, driven by a desire to create change based on my personal experiences as a person of color and an immigrant filled with hope. Teachndo was officially established at this point.

I wasn't born with a silver spoon, didn’t attend a prestigious university, earned fancy certificates, or have connections in elite companies. Instead, I applied the system of "one size doesn't fit all" and made it work. I’m committed to mentoring ambitious global immigrant professionals and newcomers to Canada, helping them skip the guesswork and avoid wasting time figuring things out. I assist individuals in career clarity by equipping them with robust personal branding strategies to excel in a six-figure career.


Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO, Teachndo, Career Coach Canada Winner - Outstanding Career Lead
Sweta Regmi, Career Expert, Speaker, Amazon Best Seller
Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO, Certfied Career Strategist, Personal Branding Expert Canada
Sweta Regmi, Teachndo Career Expert , winner for outstanding career leader
Sweta Regmi, Career Coach, Top job search expert Canada
Sweta Regmi, Founder & CEO Teachndo is  nominated for the 31st annual RBC Canadian Women E
Sweta Regmi LinkedIn Top Voice in Career

I don’t just mentor.
I’ve lived it, accomplished it. 

  let's talk!   


Are you a qualified immigrant career professional, ready to break free from the barriers holding you back and land a six-figure role that truly reflects your expertise?

So that you can stop feeling overlooked and start standing out with a personal brand that’s built around your unique strengths and experience.

I’m Sweta, and I specialize in career branding solutions designed to empower immigrant professionals like you. This isn’t just another career consulting service. It’s about aligning your job search with who you really are, so you can attract the high-paying opportunities you deserve—without sacrificing your identity or settling for less.

You’re more than your qualifications. You’re an asset waiting to be recognized.

Ready to see what happens when you approach your career from a place of authenticity and power?

Let’s build your six-figure success story together!


​I'd love the opportunity to learn about your career needs. If you’re curious about how the system "one size doesn’t fit all" can work for you, let’s schedule a free 30-minute career strategy session to explore.

Certified Career Strategist, Canada, Sweta Regmi
Certified Resume Strategist

Podcast: Diaspora's Career Challenges

Sweta Regmi, Podcast Host for Diaspora's Career Challenges
Diaspora's Career Challenges Podcast by Sweta Regmi Teachndo, Top Career Expert in Canada
Diaspora's Career Challenges Podcast by Sweta Regmi Teachndo, Top Career Expert in Canada
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